Book-Style Boxes Might Be the Greatest Packaging Choice You Ever Made

Take a look at the photo above. When was the last time you’d see this kind of box used for cough syrup? Food packaging? A pack of cards? On the other hand, could you imagine this box style being used for a gift set? How about cosmetics or a high-end smartphone case? Maybe even the smartphone itself! Book-style boxes like these are a well-loved choice by sellers and consumers alike, and for good reason—and there’s a chance it would be a great choice for your next product—even if it’s just supplements, tea, or computer games. Why?

More Billboard Space
The extra flap a book-style box offers gives you not one, but TWO extra panels for you to either sell your product with great copy or explain how to use it. That makes it a fantastic choice for those selling somewhat complicated items or wants as many chances as possible to place “buy me!” text on their packaging. With this extra flap, you can offer your customer helpful diagrams, instructions, a list of suggested uses, or whatever your heart desires. A very practical advantage of this is that you can potentially do away with a separate sheet of instructions, and as a result customers won’t have to squint to make out the fine text or accidentally throw them away.

Creates an Unmistakable Perception of Elegance
As hinted before, because book-style boxes are usually reserved for higher-end items, by nature they bestow that same kind of class on even ordinary everyday items. As you probably know, packaging items aesthetically is known to boost customers’ perception of the quality of the item inside, making them more likely to buy your products. In our business, clients selling items ranging from music production equipment to handheld grinders have opted for this unique style, which shows just how versatile book-style boxes can be.

Are you thinking of using book-style boxes for your products? We’ll be happy to give you a free quote—simply contact us by clicking “Custom Quote” at the top of this page or by email and we’ll get back to you with some numbers!

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