Cannabis and E-Liquid Packaging for Every Budget

Entrepreneurs enter the cannabis industry with a wide range of budgeting at their disposal. If you produce and sell your own products, packaging is both a short- and long-term investment that’s crucial for transforming consumers’ initial interest into sales, and it’s something that no cannabis startup, or established business for that matter, can afford to overlook. So whether you have just $1,000 or $15,000 set aside for packaging, we’ve curated some suggestions just for you. Check them out below!

“STE” stands for “Straight Tuck End” and is one of the most popular box styles around. If you’re on a budget, we recommend this basic option with our overall gloss aqueous coating, which is printing-speak for the standard semi-glossy coating used for boxes of Band-Aids, aspirin, and such. Although this option may seem lackluster to ambitious entrepreneurs, many of our top clients have built extremely successful businesses with this basic combination. A similar box type is the RTE, also known as the “Reverse Tuck End,” which is identical except for the direction of the bottom flap. This box type is especially popular for tinctures and cannabis-infused edibles.

Book-Style Box
This box style features an extra flap similar to the front cover of a book. Not only does the flap offer eight panels instead of six for you to sell more effectively to your customers, it’s a box style generally used for higher-end items, meaning it’s likely to pull in a greater number of customers on the perception of elegant packaging alone. This box type is a great choice for medium-sized cannabis items and pairs well with all of our coatings.

Unusual shapes
Some of our very favorite packaging from our showroom is well-loved for an obvious reason—they broke away from the rectangular packaging so common in stores and created boxes that border on fine art. Unorthodox shapes are hands-down one of the best ways to attract attention from prospective customers; not only that, but this type of creative decision communicates a strong sense of good taste and artistic flair that consumers find admirable. From our personal experience, this tendency toward creative shapes seems more common for E-liquids, but we’ve recently seen this trend starting to emerge within the cannabis industry as well. One factor to keep in mind is the practicality of your chosen shape, since some shapes create wasted space in storage or can fall over easily. Most of our packaging does not pose these problems.

We hope these suggestions offer you some valuable shortcuts in figuring out your cannabis packaging. For a price estimate, simply click “Custom Quote” at the top of this page or email us with your dimensions, desired box style, and quantity!

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